This is an A-Z of what Wild About our Woods Holiday Club means to us and the activities we may do on any one day. It has been kindly adapted from the Woodland Sprites group in York. Are your favourite activity make the list? If not let us know what you would include.
A is for active learning, art and adventure
B is for bow saws and bushcraft
C is creativity, climbing trees and camouflage
D is for dens, dragons and digging
E is for emotional intelligence, elder jewellery and every day being different
F is for fire lighting, flow state and fairies
G is for games, group fun and gaining confidence
H is for homes for nature, hide and seek and hammocks
I is for using initiative, ice breaker games and the individual
J is for jumping, jokes and jolly good laughs
K is for kicking leaves, knots and knives
L is for leaves, logs and the layers we wear when it is cold
M is for morning stretches, magic, mud and even more mud
N is for nature, natural paints and nettle crisps
O is for outdoors, orange chocolate muffins and ogham*
P is for potions, pond dipping and puddles
Q is for qualified, quality and quiet time
R is for risk, running and rope swings
S is for shelter building, stories and making use of the senses
T is for treasure hunts, tracking, trees, tree swings/ladders and tarps
U is for under canvas, underground and unbelievable fun
V is for vibrant summer colours, viewfinders and very happy children
W is for waterproofs, willow weaving and wands
X is for xylophones, x marks the spot and excited children (Ok I know we cheated here!)
Y is for young children, yelling and a ‘yes we can’ attitude
Z is for zip wires (for woodland folk), in the zone and zooming through the woods.
*an ancient Celtic alphabet whose symbols represents sacred trees
Enroling your child
To enrol your child, please follow the steps below.
1. Go through to the 'book now' page and select the date(s) you want your child to attend. If you qualify for a discount make sure you click the correct selection. Remember to add the early drop off or late pick up if you require them at an additional cost.
We will ask you to fill out registration details about the child, yourself as an emergency contact and medical contact details.
Pay for the dates via Stripe, the secure payment system. If you do not own a bank card get in touch to arrange altnerative payment.
2. At this stage you will have access the following policies and risk assessments which are referred to in our terms and conditions:
Safeguarding and child protection policy
Risk assessment
Accident and incident policy
Activties policy
Advserse weather and cancellation policy
Behaviour policy and agreement
Compliments and complaints policy
Equal opportunities
Food hygiene
Please be aware
In submitting your enrolment form, you are formally accepting the place offered and agreed by email, and are subject to our terms and conditions, including the 2-week notice period for withdrawing your child from the Holiday Club.
Please also note that Wild About our Woods reserve the right to cancellation any session if there is adverse weather deeming it unsafe to be in the woods or if numbers are too low and it is deemed it unviable to run. We will give as much notice as possible if this is the case.