The Wild Passport
“The WILD Passport is a useful framework for monitoring skill progression, whether as part of a Forest School programme or as a stand alone outdoor learning programme. The WILD Passport programme could help many schools to strengthen and support the argument for increased access to natural areas and outdoor learning in general by increasing the ease with which teachers can evidence the knowledge and practical skill gains made by learners during their outdoor learning experiences. ”
— Lily Horseman - Chair of the Forest School Association
More details about the Wild Passport can be found here, by its creator Tom Bardon

Become a WILD Passport leader
The WILD Passport offers two training pathways depending on your skill level and previous experience; Complete and Advanced. Both the Complete and Advanced training pathways are accredited at Level 3.
The Complete training pathway is aimed at those who have little or no prior experience of delivering woodland skills or outdoor learning programmes to learners. It is a four day course designed to instill WILD Passport leaders with the full suite of skills necessary to deliver an effective long term programme. Ideal for teachers, youth group leaders and home educators.
Learners will work through an evidence based workbook to gaine their qualification post training. Ongoing support will be offered virutally until completion.
The cost of this course is £550. Price is inclusive of a copy of the WILD Passport Curriculum Resource Pack (RRP £189.99)
The next training days for 2024 will be released soon
The Advanced training pathway is aimed at those who have prior experience of delivering woodland skills programmes to learners. It is a two day course designed to extend and consolidate existing skills to enable WILD Passport leaders to deliver an effective long term programme. Ideal for Forest School Leaders, Scout Leaders and Bushcraft Leaders.
Here's what some of the latest learners said about the course
“I truly enjoyed the training and learnt a lot. I will keep this knowledge with me and share it: I loved it and highly recommend this training” Ashmina Adventure Play worker, Hackney and Homerton Play
“Janine and Maggie are wonderful. I have really enjoyed the training. Thank you so much” Donatella TA
“Thank you it’s been absolutely fantastic. I enjoyed all aspects Janine and Maggie are fabulous: great approach, clear instructions and patient. Really enjoyable, lots of food for thought and opportunity to research and learn more.” Sianead, HarPa and Hackney Play
“It was an amazing experience. I learned so much. Skills that I can share with others”
How might this training impact on your colleagues/teams/school?
“more outdoor opportunities and nature play. Passing on learning to other colleagues and young people. Expanded knowledge. New ideas. More appreciation of nature and its magic” Sianead, HarPa and Hackney Play
“I think it will benefit the school to have more people trained and ready to teach children outdoors” Donatella TA
What difference do you think the training will make to your work with children, young people and their families?
“I now have a range of activities I can carry out with children that I didn’t know before. I am now competent with tools such as knives and bow saws so that I can demonstrate to others. I can identify flora and fauna in my schools which I couldn’t before” Sasha ,TA ,Coppetts Wood School
“This training has made a big difference for me. I feel more confident about teaching children about nature and learning outdoors” Donatella TA